If insects were supermen then insecticides would be kryptonite. Insecticides are a chemical agent that kills of insects, or acts as a deterrent to hungry insects looking too impeded on our food, flowers, or plants. Insecticides became popular during World War II, and remain popular as ever today. There are several types of commonly used insecticides that are worthy of having a look at so when we are buying them we know which works for our needs, and what won’t work.

Malathion is the most popular insecticide; it’s synthetic and remains effective for 1 to 3 days at a time. It keeps multiple insects and bugs off of our plants and fruit, and most effectively vegetables. It seems to be the insecticide of choice among those that grow vegetables because of its nature to keep off the bad bugs without compromising its taste, and growth patterns.

Diazinon is another popular insecticide that lasts for up to 1 week after being applied. The problems with this insecticide are that it can hurt the good bugs. That’s right, there’s such a thing as good bugs. Some creatures, like the bumble bee, are beneficial to an organism’s growth. Daizinon is more toxic then most insecticide and thus deters the good bugs from doing their good deeds to our fruits and vegetables. Also Dizinon can damage nearby water organisms, and thus is not used when near ponds, rivers, and other bodies of water that contain organisms.

Carbaryl also known as Sevin, is also an effective insecticide. The reason Carbaryl is such an effective insecticide is because it is less toxic, lasts longer, and keeps away some nasty bugs like the codling moth. This insecticide can be harmful to such good bugs as bees, and is not always effective on certain types of spiders.

Regardless of the insecticide you choose to utilize for your garden, be sure to read all instructions on the packaging before applying. Also be sure to check to see where you are spraying it, and be sure to keep pets, kids, and any other unknowing characters away from the hazardous chemicals. Finally when eating something that has been sprayed with insecticides be sure to wash it thoroughly, and dry before eating.

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