Lawn Sprinkler Systems - Keep Your Garden Green!

The growth of plants, shrubs, vegetables and flowers in your garden depends upon the amount of water you supply. And hand watering or moving a lawn sprinkler attached to the hose to supply water to your garden is not an easy task. Also, it is hard to find cheap sod prices so making sure your lawn is watered is important. As a result , plan a layout of proper watering system which can supply sufficient level of water and also save your time and your money as well.

Installing drip irrigation supplies can offer your garden a sufficient level of watering by way of dripping at the root level of plants. The main thing you need to consider for choosing a watering system is the requirement of your watering schedule bearing in mind what sort of plants and lawn you wish to grow.

Planning a Lawn Sprinkler System

Planning a watering system for your garden depends upon the climate, the sort of soil. Furthermore , it is essential to bear in mind that the watering system you design for your garden should have right sort of pressure and flow of water.

While planning a watering system, first of all measure your yard and estimate how much pipe you will require to buy. Secondly, you need to consider which types of sprinkler systems like sprinkler heads or valves you will need .

Measuring your yard can give you fair idea where your sprinkler heads will go to get the maximum water coverage. In addition to this , it will work fairly for you if you keep the valve boxes at the proper place so that valves can serve each zone proper level of water.

Why Lawn Sprinkler Systems are recommended ?

There are reasons for recommending garden sprinkler systems for your garden. This system involves moving water through pipe from one place to the other. You must have observed that hand watering and moving watering pipe from one place to other is quite painstaking . Moreover, such water supply by hand watering or by using oscillator is often time consuming and also waste water. This can give your garden either over-water supply or under-water supply. And therefore, installing suitable lawn sprinkler system can give your garden a required level of water supply which determines its growth.

Finding and choosing suitable equipments for your watering task is very crucial because right amount of watering is the key to the growth of your garden plants and vegetations.


A patch of greenery right within the boundary of your own property can be your retreat at the end of hard day’s work. It can be the place where you can recharge your emotions; it can be a place for rejuvenation of your senses! The color in it can brighten up your inside, literally….here are few ideas to get you started in the creation of your very own wellness resort.

Decide on the style

  • When it comes to brightening your own patch of green, first decide on a definite style… an English landscape, a Zen garden, a Swiss style cottage landscape, etc. Also look at sod prices to get the best deals.
  • Take cues from several styles and forms to create something unique of your own. But in this case, you should be careful about the right balance and co-ordination between the different elements.

Co-ordination of five elements of design

Whenever you blend more than one element to create something new, you become a designer. Same is true of landscape designing where you can experiment with five major design elements:

  • Color
  • Line
  • Form
  • Texture
  • Scale

When you are designing the landscape, it is imperative that you give due consideration to all these five elements.

Treat your backyard as a canvas

  • Imagine yourself to be a painter and treat the small patch of land lying in your backyard as a canvas. The only difference is that instead of filling it up with colors by using paints and brushes, you are filling up your land by growing plants in the different corners of it.
  • The perspective of an artist will help you in your experimentation with the form and texture of the selected plants.

Make use of rocks

  • Not only in the forms of sculptures, can rocks in their natural forms do wonders for a landscape. Just place a huge rock in the shady corner of your garden; it will serve the purpose of a seating area without interfering with its natural look and feel.
  • Use the stones of different sizes to create the edging for your flower beds.
  • If you happen to have a pool inside the garden, border it with rocks with different size and shapes.
  • To add some fun elements, use stone structures of unusual shapes.

Brighten up the space with a series of landscape accessories

  • Before adopting just any style of landscaping, make sure of the purposes you are going to use the space. Add accessories to keep with the spirit. As for example, you can consider keeping a hot tub if the space is meant for private family relaxation.
  • If you are planning to use your garden for frequent outdoor parties, you can consider erecting a pole lamp and adorning it with creepers like ivy.
  • In addition to that you can place a buffet table fitted with mirror; it will enhance the drama by reflecting the lighting in the evening.
  • Comfortable lounge chairs and a coffee table are the must have accessories for enjoying a peaceful summer weekend in your backyard.

Always let your ideas grow and evolve; mix and match different styles, elements and concepts. Be bold in your experimentations and soon you will be full of innovative landscaping ideas of your own that inspire other landscape enthusiasts in their creation.

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If insects were supermen then insecticides would be kryptonite. Insecticides are a chemical agent that kills of insects, or acts as a deterrent to hungry insects looking too impeded on our food, flowers, or plants. Insecticides became popular during World War II, and remain popular as ever today. There are several types of commonly used insecticides that are worthy of having a look at so when we are buying them we know which works for our needs, and what won’t work.

Malathion is the most popular insecticide; it’s synthetic and remains effective for 1 to 3 days at a time. It keeps multiple insects and bugs off of our plants and fruit, and most effectively vegetables. It seems to be the insecticide of choice among those that grow vegetables because of its nature to keep off the bad bugs without compromising its taste, and growth patterns.

Diazinon is another popular insecticide that lasts for up to 1 week after being applied. The problems with this insecticide are that it can hurt the good bugs. That’s right, there’s such a thing as good bugs. Some creatures, like the bumble bee, are beneficial to an organism’s growth. Daizinon is more toxic then most insecticide and thus deters the good bugs from doing their good deeds to our fruits and vegetables. Also Dizinon can damage nearby water organisms, and thus is not used when near ponds, rivers, and other bodies of water that contain organisms.

Carbaryl also known as Sevin, is also an effective insecticide. The reason Carbaryl is such an effective insecticide is because it is less toxic, lasts longer, and keeps away some nasty bugs like the codling moth. This insecticide can be harmful to such good bugs as bees, and is not always effective on certain types of spiders.

Regardless of the insecticide you choose to utilize for your garden, be sure to read all instructions on the packaging before applying. Also be sure to check to see where you are spraying it, and be sure to keep pets, kids, and any other unknowing characters away from the hazardous chemicals. Finally when eating something that has been sprayed with insecticides be sure to wash it thoroughly, and dry before eating.

How To Choose The Right Lawn Mower

Maybe you live in a apartment, or even better a big city, whatever your excuse may be it’s about time you start to think about lawn mowers. Keeping a lawn in shape can not only benefit the look of your yard, it can also keep you healthy, and save you money as sod prices are high. Lawn mowers are becoming more popular every day as record rates of home ownership occur. Lawn mowers come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and prices. To know what type of lawn mower to get now, will benefit you in the future because it can be a daunting task to pick one from the many styles available.

The push mower will run you about $100 at your local hardware store. Push mowers are the most simple, cost effective way to cut your grass. Push mowers typically won’t provide enough power to cut a large yard in a few hours, but for those with modest needs they can be the perfect start. Also push mowers don’t require gas, motors, or bags. Further push mowers won’t leave you with noise, smoke, and sometimes rocky rides. Push mowers are anything but obsolete, and will work well for those with a small yard.

The electric mower with a bag or without a bag usually costs around $300 depending on size and style. Electric mowers are the most popular lawn mower available. These mowers will cut a lot of grass in just a few minutes. They typically run for several years without problems, and usually hold up their value. Push mowers do require some gasoline, and may have problems with their engines. Further push mowers can be loud, and without a bag can spew grass all over the place.

Lawn tractors run about $700 to $2000 dollars. Lawn mowers don’t have seats, lawn tractors have seats. This shouldn’t be confused with an ATV, and is not meant for the road. But lawn tractors offer big time landscapers a chance to mow as much grass as they need without doing much more then swapping gears, and steering. Lawn tractors come in various sizes and styles, most of them come with four tires, a driver’s seat, and a bag to keep clippings in. Some perform alternative duties such as tilling, weeding, and sowing.

Automatic lawn mowers will cost you between $1700 and $3000 dollars. That’s right, we said automatic. Now for the ultra lazy that want to swap in your lawn tractors for an automatic mower you can. There is nothing to do but switch on, and tell the kids to watch out. These automatic mowers are just becoming popular, and will inevitably lower in price as technology advances. You can learn more about lawn mowers and lawn care at Savvy Lawn Care.


Lawns often vary in size, shape, and form for most homes. Some lawns are beautifully ornate with lush gardens, and pruned to look like art. Other lawns are thick with weeds, grass, and often give off a sense of an old style farm to passers by. There of course are thousands of other types of lawns that typically fall in between the categories of impeccably groomed, and garden of weeds. For all lawn owners, no matter what type, there are several helpful tips to maintain your lawn, because no matter the look of the lawn, it will hopefully be one that’s healthy.

The first thing prospective lawn owners should do is look at sod prices. You might be looking for cheap sod prices but sometimes it is smart to pay a little more. It’s often said that we can’t know where we are going unless we have a destination to begin with. Many lawn owners make the mistake of winging it, or going with whatever inspires them that day. This can lead to unforeseen obstacles, as well as changes of heart in the overall design or landscape of the lawn. To create a visualization of the ideal lawn should take time, and sincere thought. Once you have a vision for your lawn, write it down, review it for plausibility, and start to plan for what you will need. By visualizing your idea lawn a clear set of steps to achieve such a lawn will start to arise.

No matter what type of lawn you are interested in having, be sure to invest in water for your lawn. This could mean investing in sprinkler systems, or hoses, or even just a hand held water pourer. The idea with investing in water for the lawn is that your lawn will only be as healthy as the amount of water you put into it. Lawns need water to grow, and maintain color. Without water your lawn will face struggles in staying vibrant.

As with any enduring task we humans put ourselves up to, we must make it fun. Create incentive for you to get in the lawn and work on it. Make lawn care fun, by getting a workout from it, or getting a suntan, or just spending time with family while tending to the lawn. The more fun the lawn care is, the more likely you will be to continue it over the years.

Get help when your lawn is growing to proportions you can’t attend to. Most lawns, when put on the right track will be able to grow consistently, and thus have greater needs for ones time. This is when help can take your average lawn and make it exceptional. Lawn care doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. For a more reasonable rate negotiate a long term contract with your gardener, for bi weekly visits. The longer commitment should lower the rate you have to pay per visit.

Change your roof - stay cool in a hot City

During the hot summer months a busy city can become unbearably hot. The concrete and tarmac just seem to bounce back the suns rays and the air temperature can be considerably hotter than in the countryside. You see people start to flock to the parks and fountains, the ice creams come out along with the frisbees and generally the whole pace of life starts to slow down.

So if you live in the city but want somewhere private to cool down what are the options?

Well you could build your own roof garden as a starter. You could plant your own sod and try to grow it in which case you might need to find sod prices or be looking for cheap sod prices. But the better choice comes from the use of synthetic grass. The cost of synthetic grass varies but it is the best choice in places where it may be difficult to grow the real thing.

Although there are examples from the earlier part of the 20th century, it was not until the 1960’s that the use of roof gardens began to literally grow upwards. As well as having an amenity value, a roof garden offers substantial environmental benefits - for instance:

  1. It can lower the temperature above a building, often substantially. Basically a city can raise the atmospheric temperature by reflecting sunlight - a phenomenon sometimes referred to as 'the urban heat island effect'. Having a green roof helps counteract this.

  2. Insulation - a roof garden can help keep a building cool in summer and warm in winter, so fuel bills are reduced.

  3. Wildlife - even on high rise apartment blocks a green garden can provide a stopover for tired birds and attract insects with plants.

So you can see that not only can you keep cool but you can also help the environment and wildlife. The article goes on to describe 2 ways to prepare a roof garden:

The “Heavyweight” Route
This involves layers of waterproof membrane, constructing drainage channels if needed and then laying natural turf over the top. Of course, you could venture into hydroponics to try and minimise the weight and there are special soil mixtures available to help but basically you are looking at a lot of weight , a lot of installation work and possibly even strengthening the roof.


The "Lightweight" Route
Use planter pots, tubs and bedding to carry your plants and lay astroturf. This way you will have less maintenance and the whole project will be easier to construct. Not only that, but all the worries about how you compost grass cuttings 10 stories up won't even cross your mind!

So the next time you are in the city wondering how to keep cool, look up and see the roof gardens above your head!

Bermuda Grass: Turf for Your Lawn

A suitable lawn grass favored for its texture and color is the Bermuda grass. If you are looking at sod prices or looking for cheap sod you might look into this kind of grass. This is also known as Dog’s Tooth Grass. The genus Cynodon (Greek word for dog-tooth) contains the nine species of grasses native to the warm temperate to tropical regions that constitute the Bermuda grasses. This only requires moderate lawn grass care, maintenance and mowing. This is a sun loving grass of the warm seasons and is usually planted from grass seed though propagation can be made possible by rhizomes, offsets and seeds.

Bermuda grass is a perennial grass. Though native to Europe this grass has now become cosmopolitan in warm regions. This grows in the tropical, sub tropical and transition zones. In southern United States and India this grass is largely being grown now. This grass is found on golf courses, sports arenas, sports fields, reclamation areas, parks, coastal areas and pastures apart from lawns.

There are now being introduced special Bermuda varieties that are tolerant to colder climes to a greater extent and species of the grass that are more drought resistant. Thus the grass planting area is moving further northwards and the grass is becoming more prevalent in the transition zone also.

An advantageous aspect of using the Bermuda grass is that once planted the grass can provide complete lawn coverage in a year’s time. This is a most persistent and aggressive grass species. Even its germination from seed is very quick. It can grow in a variety of soils too. It has also got a fair salt spray tolerance level thus making it suitable for coastal regions also.

An excellent way to transform your lawn is to use Princess 77 Bermuda grass that is among the latest seeded Bermuda grasses available. This produces a dense, green turf while costing far less than using the sodded varieties. For establishing a Bermuda grass lawn it is important to first eliminate all existing grass and weeds by the application of a nonselective herbicide. The Bermuda turf can be mowed low for a green type look. It can also be maintained at greater heights for a denser fairway look.

Two cold tolerant varieties of the Bermuda grass are the Yukon and Rivera. While Yukon has a darker green color the Rivera has a fast growing and damage repair ability, Bermuda grass is fairly resistant to diseases and insects. Some varieties of the grass are, however, more resistant than others. Personal preferences play an important role in the selection of the Bermuda grass type that is to be used for covering the lawn. The cost factor is important too if you are looking for cheap sod prices.

You Must Take Care while Landscaping Your Lawn

There are many things to keep in mind while you are landscaping your lawn, and the first is that you want to take care while you are landscaping your lawn. Landscaping can be something that drastically changes the way your lawn looks, and it can also be something that wrecks havoc on your lawn and any progress you might have made before you began the landscaping project. In order to truly care for your lawn while you landscape, you should be sure to follow some advice.

In order to take care while landscaping your lawn, you need to make sure that you are protecting your lawn while you landscape. You can put down tarps and other things that will help you to not cause huge ruts and holes in your yard if you have to drive machinery into your yard and you can be sure to save as much of the original grass as possible while you are landscaping. Sod prices are high and you don't want to damage the grass and have to replant. Try to be sure that nothing too heavy drives on your yard, as it is almost impossible to fill in ruts if they have been made by machinery. A big part of caring for you lawn while landscaping is to be sure that you are taking care of your lawn at all times, not only while landscaping.

Deciding On the Landscaping

Also, be sure that you are only putting things in your yard that your yard can handle. Try not to put too many flowers or trees in your yard if there aren’t the resources for it. Caring for your lawn while landscaping includes making sure that you are only doing the things that your lawn can handle. Don’t try to plant too many new trees at once, because there will not be enough nutrients or water in the soil to support that many new things. It might be difficult, but you have to judge what your lawn can handle, and only do that much.

A good way to make sure that you care for your lawn while landscaping is to be sure to keep it clean while you are working on projects. Be sure to clean up after yourself and take care that you don’t leave tools and other materials lying around in your lawn. Pick up when you are finished, and try not to use chemicals or products in your landscaping that will damage your lawn. It is your lawn, and you must care for it, even while landscaping.

Landscaping Ideas to Beautify Your Outdoor Space

No matter the size, if your home has a yard you are certain to get a lot more enjoyment from it if you undertake some interesting landscaping ideas. You can add a water feature or a rock garden, or create a secluded nook shaded by trees and shrubs. You can probably come up with even more own ideas of your to make your yard more pleasant and attractive even if you take advantage of cheap sod prices.

One of the more popular landscaping ideas today is to create a walkthrough garden. Carefully select the perfect flowers to lend color and charm to your outdoor space. A mix of annuals and perennials is ideal because it reduces your labor and cost while still allowing for the more colorful show that annuals provide. Investigate various kinds of shrubs and trees to provide contrast and balance. And place some stepping stones throughout the garden to encourage easy enjoyment of the surroundings.

Another great landscaping idea is to create different sections in your yard, each with a distinct feature, then unify the entire space by repeating certain aspects of each section in other parts of the yard. You don't have to have a large yard to pull this off, either.

If children will be making use of your yard, designate a section of it as a play area for them to enjoy. A wooden play set will look more natural and blend in with the surrounding landscaping features. Adding a tree house lends even more interest to your outdoor space.

A lawn is frequently a big part of any landscaping effort. Choose a variety of grass that's appropriate for your soil conditions and climate so you'll have a luxurious expanse of green to set off your other natural features. Surrounded by trees, shrubs and flowers, a lawn can be an attractive showpiece.

Many people like to include a water feature in their yard. Ponds and waterfalls add a dramatic touch to your outdoor decor, and the sound of water is considered very soothing by many people. There's a huge variety of designs and products from which you can choose. Your only limits are your budget and available space.

A rock garden is a perfect solution for problem areas of your yard where it's difficult for many plants to thrive and sod prices are high. Maybe it's a spot that's too dry or the soil conditions won't support plant growth. Or perhaps it's an area that doesn't drain well and is always wet and soggy. Putting in a rock garden that includes a few exceptionally hardy plants can be ideal for these problem areas. But it's also an attractive and low maintenance feature for any area of your yard.

There's no doubt that landscaping can provide you with great enjoyment, both in the process and the final result. Do your research, get some professional advice if necessary, make a plan, and get going! That's all it takes to turn your landscaping ideas into reality.

Solar Garden Fountains - Pros and Cons

Solar powered products are gaining popularity in recent years. A good number of home owners buy solar powered home heaters, solar powered garden fountains, and solar powered hot tubs. There are many plus sides to buying a fountain that is solar powered, but there are some disadvantages as well.

How do solar powered fountains work?

Usually solar garden fountaings are simple to put in. Just like many other home appliences that are solar powered they use solar panels with Photovoltaic (PV) cells to collect energy of the sun. Since a fountain pump doesn't require much solar energy, the panels are small.

There are two kinds of solar fountain. First are fountains where solar panels are incorporated in the design of the fountain itself. This type is the easiest to install, but you have to make sure that you place your new fountain in a sunny spot otherwise it isn't going to operate properly.

The second type of solar fountain has remote solar panels, which can be positioned several meters away from the fountain. If you chose this type, it doesn't matter whether your fountain is in a sunny or shady spot as long as the panels are exposed to the sun. Most solar fountains with remote panels come with easy to set up mounting system for the panels. As a general rule you can mount them on the wall, use grass stakes to position them on the loan or use a tall wooden stake to put your panel high up above all the plants.

Advantages and disadvantages of solar fountains

There are many benefits!advantages of buying a solar fountain for the garden rather than the electric one. The most obvious advantage is that you don't have to pay for the energy and the environment doesn't suffer. An electric pump won't add much to your energy bill in a day, but if you want your fountain to work all summer, you can save a lot by using sun energy instead of electricity or batteries.

Another advantage is that you are not limited by proximity to a power source when selecting a place for your fountain. This gives you freedom to install your fountain whereever you want. You can place your fountain in the farthest corner from the house, as long as the solar panels are on a sunny spot.

Also solar fountains are very easy to install. Solar powered fountains with panels built into a body of the fountain don't require any special installation at all. This type is perfect as a solar pond fountain that sprays water from your pond. Since there is no cord the fountain can just float on the surface.

The main disadvantage of a solar powered garden fountain is its dependence on the sun. Most pumps will still work on a slightly cloudy day, but if it is really overcast the flow of water will be much less. And, of course, your fountain won't work at night.

Also, it is best to disconnect your fountain during cold months. It would work fine on a sunny day without snow, but snow and frost can damage your pump.


Give a verdant look to your home landscape

Keeping the natural environment intact in your lawn is a pre-requisite to beautiful lawns. Grass is a natural element and adequate sunlight, air and water is what you require to give your lawn plush look. You might look into different sellers for the best sod prices especially if you are looking for cheap sod prices.

A patch of green in your home landscape adds to the health and beauty of your neighborhood. A lush landscape around your home will make your home look better and make you feel re-energized at the start of each day. True lawn lovers are never afraid of putting in their efforts to create a beautiful lawn. Maintaining the lawn can be challenging and you need to keep in mind a few details to maintain a healthy lawn.

Grasses exactly suitable for your lawn soil

It is better to choose the plant that adjusts the climate of your region than to create an artificial climate for a foreign plant that is non-compatible to your soil and climatic conditions. Selecting something natural that automatically thrives with a little care and effort in the natural environment is best for your lawn. However, choosing and using fertilizers is crucial to the growth and survival of plants in your lawn. So be very careful to use these wisely on your plants.

Growing the particular grass that is compatible to the physiographic and soil condition of a particular region is best suited for homestead lawns. Trying to grow grass that is not suited to the climate and soil of the region is a wasteful effort and requires artificial climate. Turf grasses are suited for regions to the southern parts of USA whereas Kentucky bluegrass requires huge water and fertilizer is best suited for the northern regions. Maintain your Lawn To maintain a healthy and a verdant look, two important lawn care steps to take are to clean your lawn regularly and check your soil and inspect for damage.

Doing a soil test is the best way to understand your soil type and its requirements. You might find a high PH level in your soil in which case you need to balance it with lime. Your soil test will let you know about the mineral adequacy in the soil. Accordingly you need to provide the nutrition supplements to your soil that keeps the grass and other plants growing. If your soil is microbe rich then do not worry about plant growth but if it lacks organic material then you need to supplement your soil with the same.

Aeration and use of compacted sols helps breeding microbes in the soil. This soil is extremely favorable to growth of plants and grass. If your area experiences heavy rainfall then compacted soil will prevent water logging.

However, if your area is dry ensure enough water supplies especially in the morning. Deep watering nourishes the roots and makes your lawn healthy. Over watering should be avoided just like infrequent and shallow watering. Never water the streets and sideways and never water after putting fertilizer to your lawn. Your lawn needs about 1/2" of water in a week to survive and providing any amount in excess to this will be unfavorable to the grass growth.

Raking up accumulated leaves, removing dried and fallen leaves should be your regular task. If there is accumulation of dried leaves and other debris on the lawn grass then this will block the sunlight from reaching the grass and the condition of your grass suffers. Mowing the lawn regularly contributes to the healthy growth of grass. Make your lawn ideal for mowing would require maintaining a constant grass level to enable to mower function properly and avoid scalping which is detrimental to grass growth. Once you have gone out and found the best sod prices, you want to make sure you maintain it properly.

Edible Landscaping: Practical and Delicious!

More and more people are moving away from the idea of simple lawns and cheap sod prices and looking for innovative landscaping ideas. They want to make their outdoor space into a more natural setting, and this can include useful, even edible plants! A lot of edible plants happen to be quite aesthetically pleasing; some vegetables and herbs also have ornamental varieties. It's great to have your own vegetables - fuel costs are driving up the price of all food products, and produce is no exception.

If you're interested in creating edible landscapes yourself, you'll likely want to opt for perennials, since they will return year after year, saving you a lot of work each spring. After planting them once, these plants will give you food and something pleasing to look at for years to come.

These plants require little in the way of care; just watering, feeding, a bit of weeding, pruning and keeping any insect pests under control will be sufficient. There are plenty of perennial vegetable plants which are great choices. Remember, perennials do die back in the winter, so don't be alarmed when your plants appear to go away in the fall - they'll come back in the spring!
Perhaps you are a little leery of this idea - after all, doesn't a vegetable garden require a lot of care? This is certainly the case for traditional vegetable gardens; however, edible landscapes require only a little bit more work than other landscape plants!

This is all easier than you may think. You can simply replace some elements used in traditional landscaping with edible plants. For example, plant fruit trees rather than non-fruit bearing varieties. Wouldn't you rather have say, plums than acorns? Many vegetables work well as ornamentals and can be planted in place of flowers and other landscape accents.

Edible plants can also be mixed in with others to create your own outdoor look. Herbs in particular look wonderful planted among other, non-edible flowering plants. You can create any look for your garden or yard that you like this way.

Sage and oregano work very well as small shrubs, especially as edging for larger shrubs. Try planting curly parsley among flowers such as lobelia, dianthus and pansies. Strawberries also work well in flower gardens.

Why not plant some leaf lettuce in beds as accents? Leaf lettuce comes in different colors and shapes - combine them for a stunning look, edged with a border of grass.

Edible flowers are also a wonderful idea. There are plants which give in more ways than one. Snap peas, for instance. Besides producing peas, they also give you the gift of beautiful pink, white and purple flowers on attractive vines.

Chives are a joy to behold with their purple flowers (edible and great in salads as well). The red and white flowers of fava beans add interest to any garden. Dill's yellow, pleasant smelling blossoms are an attractive and fragrant addition. Salvia and sage boast blue and purple flowers which are a welcome sight and nasturtium (did you know the flowers are edible?) flowers are colorful.

Requiring little maintenance (and delicious), perennial herbs and vegetables are a fantastic idea in any landscaping. Dandelions, chives, rhubarb, sweet potatoes, ginger, asparagus, sorrel and more are all wonderful to look at and to eat as well.

Everyone likes to make their property and their home look better and one of the ways to do that is to improve your landscaping. For more great landscaping tips, check out the Landscaping Ideas site.